Unconditional Love

15 July 2021
Every relationship I was ever in I gave everything of me with no expectation back, unconditional love. I gave because it made others happy, I empathised with them, I helped them, and it made me feel good to make them feel good. But in every relationship it sadly was the start of a long slippery slope where I discovered, given enough time, the more I gave, the more they expected, and before long it was just me giving and them taking, and the unconditional is being blatantly taken advantage of. It seems many humans are programmed that way. After the relationship finished I would discover I had lost who I was, I was so busy trying to please them, I had forgot about me, I had disappeared, and I would have to rebuild Me.

When I met Claire it was like no other, it was the experience of unconditional love flowing in both directions right from the start. Nothing is ever too much. She would do anything for me, and does, big or small, and I for her. It was so liberating. There was no honeymoon period of putting on a front for 6-12 months, it was real from the very first day. On the rare occasion we have words, it is kind of funny, as we know our love is unconditional and there is never any chance we would split up. We are both free to be as we choose, and do as we choose, unconditionally. We encourage and support each other to be the best we can in whatever we do and we don't lose who we are. Yet we choose to be with each other completely, bound by loving unconditionally where you aren't weighing up what the other is thinking, what their motives are, checking up on them, or doing things to protect yourself. It took us 2 divorces each, and many failed relationships to find it. Unconditional Love means you can give everything of you knowing the love is unconditionally reciprocated so it is infinite.

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