Your views on what it takes for twins to be together

Sat 24 Jan 2015 00:48

By: Olivia

I like to hear your views on readiness and what it takes for twins to be together. I know individual wholeness is very important and necessary, but my question is this: Many websits say that one twin can be more advanced than the other, and therefore more ready for reunion than the other. How do you feel about that? To In Despair (I hope it is ok, Mark and Claire that I tell In Despair about my view on why twins often separate?!). In Despair, sometimes the intensity of the twin union is too much especially if the two of them have too much emotional baggage or issues that they need to heal within. All of us have an inner void and we always hope that another person can fill that void. I know that Mark and Claire talk about wholeness here and that is something we give to ourselves. If the twins meet and are "just" meant to unite so that they can heal themselves individually, they will often separate and it is not really in their hands to control. This separation is extremely painful, and you can feel a part of yourself missing (your twin). The task then is to fill that missing part inside yourself, so you don't anymore feel that your twin is missing in you. This is really hard and painful work, but rewarding. The big illusion is that twins are never really spiritually separated, but when you experience a physical separation (where you are unable to speak to the other twin or have any kind of relationship), you are forced to fill that gap inside yourself without the presence of your twin. My quess is this man however sad it is, is not ready, and you have more to heal within, so you don't need him to be whole. Because twins are one, they can easily fill the missing gap within if they have not become whole on their own first, and this is in my opinion the risk and why many twins separate. ...Olivia

Fri 19 Nov 2010 07:56

By: Mark and Claire xx

Thank you for posting this Olivia. We believe that twin flames only come together when both are ready and have transformed the ego into love based energies. Some would believe that they have found their twin, or have split up from their twin, when in fact they were involved in a soul mate relationship all the time. Twin flames do not split up.Even if only one soul has incarnated into this lifetime. Each partnership does indeed feel like it is “the one” at the time, when in fact there is still inner work to do before twin flames can physically connect. If one partner is more spiritually advanced than the other, then this is what we would call a soul mate relationship, whereby each has the opportunity to heal and transform the ego into the Higher Self. However, please never feel that a soul mate relationship is any less important than a twin flame relationship, for we are each on a unique journey to find the love within ourselves regardless of who we are with. ...Mark and Claire xx

Sun 21 Nov 2010 02:40

By: Olivia

Hi Mark and Claire, thanks for this, and I fully agree, but also disagree based on personal experience and experience of a lot of others I have talked to and some that I personally know who have indeed split from their twins. Sometimes twins come together prematurely only to make a giant step in their awareness and to grow on their own. You can then call it a soul mate relationship, but if one knows for 100% sure that it is not, because only oneself can know ones twin, then things are not always as black and white. I absolutely agree 100% about what you say about transforming the ego energies into love and how ego cannot be in a twin flame relationship. I think what makes it different for the two of you, Mark and Claire is that you both met when you were older (well, 50) and had done a lot of spiritual growth on your own indivudally before meeting (which was the plan all along, making yourselves ready for each other as twins while learning from soul mate relationships). Sometimes not always twin flames meet when they are quite young, but can only be short time together because they each have to grow and mature. I don't usually read a lot of websites about twins, yours is really good, but these two are really good to, explaining about why twins separate. I just wanted to hear your views, but since you don't have personal experience with meeting and then separating, it is harder to know. You are absolutely right that twin flames only come together to stay together when both are ready, but as I said sometimes to experience growth, they can come together before prematurely (and that is also the plan). ...Olivia

Mon 22 Nov 2010 02:40

By: Mark and Claire xx

Hi Olivia, thanks for your post. We don't think anyone can know 100% for sure if they have met a soul mate, or twin. Or not met them for that matter, 100%, definitely, for sure. Who can prove it? Who can really prove God exists? If you can't put it under a microscope and disect it does that mean it doesn't exist ? It's all about belief systems. Could twins meet in a life with the intention of parting to grow individually? Who knows? Maybe they could, and do.

When we looked around for information on twins it was so sparse we thought we'd like to add our experiences to the pot to share with others. We can only write about our experiences, thoughts, and feelings. We have both been through a lot of deep and very painful relationship breakups, if we had known about twins back then, we each might have thought we had split from our twin at that time too? The reason this relationship is different, and why we started writing about twin flames, is because it is vastly beyond any of those previous experiences, perfectly balanced, and neither would ever want to leave it. ...Mark and Claire xx

Mon 23 Jun 2014 05:13

By: Star

greetings! thank you for sharing your experience. one thing i'd like to comment on is your statement: "We have both been through a lot of deep and very painful relationship breakups, if we had known about twins back then, we each might have thought we had split from our twin at that time too?" personally i'd have to strongly disagree. being in my 50's i've had a LOT of lovers and relationships, of varying lengths and intensities, but i would never mistake one of those break-ups as a break-up with a twin. never. while they were painful to varying degrees, they don't even come close to the intense, soul-shattering pain i felt (and continue to feel) from separation from my twin. due to circumstances we just cannot be together right now and the pain is astounding, unimaginable, unbearable at times. claire and mark, you seem to be saying that Compatability and Smooth Sailing is the major hallmark of TF. that flies in the face of 98% of everything i've read. curious. namaste, Star ...Star




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