Whirlwind Twin Flame Meeting, Ending Too Soon

Thu 28 Apr 2016 21:46

By: Cherry Blossom

We met a few months ago and its just been incredible. Neither of us have ever felt this way before and we feel home with one another. We see 11.11 all the time, we are telepathic and very intuitive, we can sense one another's emotional states, and we never run out of conversation as we share almost the exact opinions and ideals. We are the perfect mirror image of one another, and we seem to charge, and balance each other. There is no doubt in my heart as to what we are and I want to spend the rest of my life beside this man as his equal. Alas, he's only here for a university semester and has to go back and finish his degree in his country which is halfway around the world in an entirely different time zone. He leaves in a week and I feel desolate as my heart breaks. He wants to "see how it goes" long distance, and when I suggested I could go visit him he said we need to appreciate the time we have left. Who knows how we will feel in a year from now? He says. I know how I will feel, but I think he is afraid of the intensity and of committing as he has personal and bussiness work to accomplish this year which I do respect. I am deeply hurt by him not wanting to talk and plan for the future, or to see one another in person again. Our lives our big question marks at the end of the year and maybe we could be in the same country...but that is so many many months of separation away. Any guidance helps. Thank you, Cherry Blossom xx ...Cherry Blossom

Wed 01 Jun 2016 21:33

By: -Zion D

I am a 25 year old female also going through a similar situation with my twin flame. We both know we want to be together and that it will inevitabley happen, which is exactly why he is taking his time to marry me. He also is in the process of building a business which has put me on the back burner for the entire time we've known eachother which is 4 years. It's tremendously painful knowing my other half is 250 miles away while I sleep alone every night. It seems our biggest challenge other than our individual imperfections is our gender differences. He wants to be able to fully provide for me and our family before he makes the commitment. While I want to grow and develop together, he would rather do it on his own. Although I disagree with his order of operations, I find it necessary that I establish my own independence apart from him. I know that once we finally unite, I am going to dedicate my entire self to him and our family. If we both know who we are and what we live for then when we finally get together we will be more efficient in raising our kids. This is also a great time for self reflection because although he lives in a different city, we are always reciprocating eachother actions, the distance doesn't keep us apart. This reciprocation is what keeps us connected, like a mirror image of myself reflected back to me. I hope this helps. Love from Houston, Texas. c ...-Zion D

Wed 01 Jun 2016 21:34

By: -Zion D

I am a 25 year old female also going through a similar situation with my twin flame. We both know we want to be together and that it will inevitabley happen, which is exactly why he is taking his time to marry me. He also is in the process of building a business which has put me on the back burner for the entire time we've known eachother which is 4 years. It's tremendously painful knowing my other half is 250 miles away while I sleep alone every night. It seems our biggest challenge other than our individual imperfections is our gender differences. He wants to be able to fully provide for me and our family before he makes the commitment. While I want to grow and develop together, he would rather do it on his own. Although I disagree with his order of operations, I find it necessary that I establish my own independence apart from him. I know that once we finally unite, I am going to dedicate my entire self to him and our family. If we both know who we are and what we live for then when we finally get together we will be more efficient in raising our kids. This is also a great time for self reflection because although he lives in a different city, we are always reciprocating eachother actions, the distance doesn't keep us apart. This reciprocation is what keeps us connected, like a mirror image of myself reflected back to me. I hope this helps. Love from Houston, Texas. ...-Zion D




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