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Thank you for answering this or at least commenting on it
Thu 22 Jan 2015 20:55
By: william
Hi there and thank you for answering this or at least commenting on it. So it has been 44 days since I (believe)/ know I met my twin. I met her at a bar with my now exwife once. There was a total connection between us even then. I called her now 44days ago to the day and here is what i can tell you. There was an immediate, why do I love this person so much already in my mind after spending an evening with her. She shares the same spiritual beliefs about life as do I. After hooking up I heard the very same soul cry and interpreted as such then as her or us finding the one. I also heard angels singing as if thru the celing ? I commented to her that i was having a 'weird' experience with her and she was glad i did as she said, 'im glad its not just me'. -so this was our first night together.... next day we both and continue to see 1111 everywhere. Patience. When i look into her eyes time stops. I feel more love from and for her that is beyond my human understanding of what unconditional love is....its magnetic. umm so i just wanted to share and get your thoughts on what you think this may be.... blessings william ...william
Tue 13 Jul 2010 20:34
By: Mark and Claire xx
Oh William thanks so much for sharing your beautiful story! You are both so lucky to experience this rare union. Your souls have simply recognised each other and your honesty about it with her is just divine. With us, it was the same. Instead of dancing around the edges and testing the water first, we both plunged straight into the deep without a second thought. We believe that when two souls resonate to the same frequency, all fear just fades away.Keep trusting that voice within, for you already know what this may be... Enjoy! ...Mark and Claire xx
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